Many Paths
There are many paths to find the dollar on the internet. This page will serve as a hub for my experiments. Along with my two niche sites, I will be trying Info Barrel, Hubpages and Lending Club. As time goes by I will add other ideas here as well.The Experiments
Niche Site I
This is a standard niche site about what it takes to become a paralegal in each state. It is scaled back somewhat from the original vision, but it still has some good content. Of course, I am not sure if the content is useful or not, since G hasnt ranked it, no one will ever get to see it. (At this time the site is only about two months old, and has had just half a dozen searches that were (of course) all long tail.)Niche Site II
This is a recycled domain that I happened to own. The time came to either dump it, or put it to some use. I decided to use it for a site about exterminating rats. I think I did some good keyword research on this, so hopefully, once it starts to rank in G, I will see some good traffic. Once I start to see traffic, I'll be able to refine the site based on what people are actively looking for. But, honestly, I'd like to "set and forget."The Niche Blog
At some point I will place ads on this site as well, and when I do, I'll include that in my income reports.Info Barrel
Similar to Hubpages (see below).Hubpages
As it turns out, I am a good writer. Since that is the case, it seems that I should turn that to my benefit, and make some extra cash by writing articles. At sites such as Hubpages, you dont get paid for actually writing the article, but instead, the article has ads attached to it. You receive a cut from the ad revenue that Hubpages (or Info Barrel, see above) make from people who are reading your article when they click on an ad. In addition, this could be used to funnel people to your niche page, where again, you want them to click on an ad and generate revenue for you.This can also be done with places like eHow, however, the general consensus is that, at this time, eHow is on the way out.
Lending Club
I live in a state that does not allow its citizens to pool together small loans to create one larger loan. Funny thing how my state loves to think of itself as a bastion of capitalist freedom, but has so very many regulations on just about everything imaginable. Anyway... we are allowed to buy and sell loans that have already been made, as these are considered "securities".Although I cannot have the fun of handing out money to people trying to refi their credit cards, I can buy and sell loans that have already been made. And when you think about it, that is where the money is at! You can loan a guy $25 and hope that, by the end of the three year term he has paid it back along with some interest, or you can sell his loan right now for thirty bucks, and use the money to buy another $25 loan.
Other Ideas
From time to time I will add other ideas here. One thing I have noticed... one day I accidentally posted GPT to the WTF section of Reddit. Within minutes, 50 people had visited my page. Of course, they were expecting see dancing cats or puppies on fire, so they were disappointed with having to learn about paralegals. I quickly put GPT where it was supposed to be on Reddit, in the career planning section. There, it never received a visitor at all.This made me wonder... could I place something WTFish on Reddit and have adds displayed with it. If it picked up a few hundred visitors and just a few clicked on an ad, well, that's money I didn’t have before. So, I think I will try that. I have a few weird pictures I've taken over the years... like a guy who had a set of bowling pins mounted to the top of his car. Yup... I think I'll try that.
Income Reports
I will be bringing you monthly income reports so that you can track my progress on each of these experiments as I go along. In fact, since there is no income at this time, these will be Traffic/Income Reports, so we can see just how many people are coming to a site, and what they are looking for.I will link the T&I Reports (I wish they could be TPS Reports!) here beginning in April. See you then!
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